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Medieval days

Medieval camp for families as a prelude to 16th Medieval Days at Bled Castle

On Sunday, 26 May, the grassed terraces of the castle park will transform into a scene of fun knightly challenges, a variety of workshops for children, and a display of the life of knights and their ladies. All members of the family can partake in these challenges. The medieval camp for families, set up in the castle park, is an experience for children and adults alike where they can try out fun outdoor challenges under the careful guidance of costumed animators. Come and join us in the castle park, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.! The entry is free.

At 11 a.m. you can also witness performances of medieval groups on the upper terrace of the castle. Alongside the local Sir Gašper Lambergar Theatre Group, groups from Slovenia and Croatia will also grace the stage. An entry fee applies for admission to Bled Castle.

Medieval holiday camp in Bled Castle park from 27 to 31 May 2024

During the week-long medieval camp set up in the castle park, knights, led by the bravest among them Sir Gašper Lambergar, Lord of Bled Castle at the time, will demonstrate and teach various knightly skills to children. Meanwhile, ladies of the castle will teach anyone eager to dance some medieval dance moves. The holiday camp will be open every day between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Highlight of the events will be the 16th Medieval Days on 1 and 2 June

The Bled Culture Institute has prepared a diverse weekend programme with performances of medieval groups at the castle, a rich arts and crafts fair in the car park, and a medieval camp in the gardens below it. The scene of the 16th Medieval Days at Bled Castle will be brimming with Slovene and foreign medieval groups, craftsmen, and musicians.

Entrance to the venues in the castle park and parking lot is free, but an admission fee is charged upon entrance to the castle.

Visit us

To visit Bled Castle, please look us up and select your preferred type of visit. You can plan the entire visit ahead, and feel free to use the audio guide to learn more about the castle.